Blog Archives


So obviously am now feeling much better than I was in previous post because of the title (hillo little Yowrubs by the way!) thanks to dinner, pouxit! and GoFugYourself… So I’m thinking that maybe I should give a list of the blogs/websites that I frequently stalk when I’m bored…


That is all I can think of for the moment but will add more tomorrow or once I have thought of the others!


Rambling of La Brunette

I am so obsessed with GFY right now I feel reluctant to close down all the multiple tabs that I’ve opened… sigh… 

I also feel sad that for this week, I will be the only one writing here probably. Cannot wait to hear news from our friend Blondie…

So… right now is official Belot time in the Saint Père residence. And as usual, I perform my part of the tradition: leaving the four to play Belot while I use this hour when I’m not pressured to ‘help out’ to use the computer, hence, this post. We have a visitor with us today, my grandfather’s cousin, and he is-apparantly- staying the night.

Today… hmm… we went for a walk after lunch… and then… oh yes! I’m going planche à voil-ing tomorrow!!! (To those of you who don’t speak perfect-what-a-joke french like moi, that’s wind surfing). So can’t wait. I did it last year and I was ok I guess. It was fun. Wow. I am writing simple sentences. Kill me. Kill me now.

Lol just keeding. I would never want you to kill me my Yowrub, hey… Yowrub could sort of sound like cherub. But no… I don’t think that I should call you cherubs. Firstly because Yowrub has been twisted from the original meaning enough without changing it into the name for the Roman minor god of love (but seriously, I prefer Eros, his Greek counterpart. The Greeks were, in all, more fun) and secondly because the image that comes into my mind when you say cherub is… naked blonde fat baby boys with a bow and arrow.

And that’s just disturbing.

Seriously. (Although if it were a naked fit  blonde teenage boy it wouldn’t be so bad… hmm…)

Wow I’ve really strayed far from the point haven’t I? A ramble ramble ramble… Back to the point…  fit naked blonde teenage boys- naked blonde fat baby boys- cherubs- yowrubs- yowrubs killing me- KMN- using simple sentences- Planche à voil.

Oh yes!


Not much to add to that really… bye y’all! (When did that Southern US accent come from?? Give me back my English one!!)

Goodbye and lots of love from… (ah that’s much better… )


GoFugYourself, Hot Guys and Pirates of the Caribbean

Dear YWRB (aka Yowrub- just made that up isn’t it cool? or You Who are Reading this Post. This is how we have chosen to address our [nonexistent] readers)

Well… I’m writing this post while Marguerite is still less than 1 kilometer away from me so maybe it’s against the rules but they are there to be broken… She’s in the living room right now watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2, hope you’re having fun!

I am now having serious GoFugYourself withdrawal symptoms… need to make fun of a celebrity outfit! So will try it here, I probably won’t be as good as the Fug Girls but I’ll give it a try…

Damn… Marguerite just came into the room to tell me to go to dinner… seems like our post-writing is constantly being interrupted by meals… sigh… gonna go stuff my face now! Will add the rest on this post later…

Ok you know what? Never mind… I won’t do the gofugyourself thing, I will wait like a good little girl until tomorrow.
Orlando Bloom is hotahaha… (watching PoC right now) also Matthew Lewis… Also Alex Pettyfer… And the list goes on…. Aha!!! Good idea zing zing!! Marguerite! You will be responsible for compiling a list of the hottest guys of 2011 ok!?! Good! Good! Zat eez très très good. You do zat.

Yes you can include Bieber but be sure that I will tut and shake my head when I see his name on the list.

Will go back to watching PoC now.
